Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

BNC Statement

Supporting the call for a comprehensive military embargo on Israel is the most effective response to Israel’s ongoing massacre.


"Dublin has offered the strongest response to date to Israel’s latest massacre against unarmed Palestinian protesters in the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip. This is the most impressive win yet for the BDS movement in 2018."

BNC Statement

The BDS National Committee (BNC) supports calls for an independent, international investigation and is calling for effective accountability measures against Israel, particularly a two-way military embargo.


Palestinians urge Netflix to dump “Fauda” series created by former members of Israeli army death squads that legitimizes and promotes racist violence and war crimes.

BNC Statement

Palestinians denounce the assassination of Rio de Janeiro’s councillor and human rights activist Marielle Franco and extend solidarity to Brazilians: "Together we commit to continue striving for the world Marielle dreamed about, a world of freedom, justice and equality for all".