Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


Barcelona becomes largest city to heed the Palestinian civil society call for an end to arms trade and military and security cooperation with Israel’s regime of apartheid, settler colonialism and occupation. 


Palestinians thank the UK artists for their principled stand and urge all participating artists to withdraw from the festival until it ends all forms of collaboration with Israel’s regime of oppression.

Open Letter

Dozens of Palestinian cultural organizations and local administrations urge Grammy Award-winning pop star and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Shakira to cancel her show in Israel.


Palestinians warmly welcome news that Gilberto Gil, a legendary Brazilian musician and cultural hero, has cancelled his July 4 performance in Tel Aviv. His cancellation appears to be in response to Israel’s slaughter of over 100 civilians in Gaza over the past few weeks.


The Trump administration’s decision to open the US embassy in Jerusalem as Palestinians commemorate 70 painful years of displacement signals that it’s giving Israel freer reign than ever to try to push Palestinians out of their homeland. But a growing alliance of progressive communities around the world gives Palestinians hope that together they can, and will, end the ongoing assaults on Palestinian life, and create a better world for all.


The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel calls for the boycott of Pop-Kultur Berlin, until it drops Israel’s sponsorship.