Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


Mobilizations across the world succeed in thwarting the Israeli government's use of the match to cover up its war crimes and egregious human rights violations against Palestinians.


Inspiring mobilizations and creative energy put a spotlight on Israel's crimes during the Giro d'Italia cycling race.


A wave of major cities across the Spanish state have expressed strong support for Palestinian rights. They have all denounced President Donald Trump's decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem and slammed Israel's latest massacre of Palestinians in Gaza. Many have called for an arms embargo on Israel and urged governments to ensure its implementation.

BNC Statement

Scottish Groups Say Legal Precedent Should Prompt Scotland to Reject IHRA “Working Definition on Antisemitism”


Entering damage control mode after Shakira nixed her July 9 Tel Aviv gig, Israel’s spin machine claimed the gig was never scheduled to begin with.


Artists and directors from Brazil, France and Pakistan announce their withdrawal from this year's Tel Aviv International LGBT Film Festival following calls from Palestinian LGBT collective "Pinkwatching Israel" and human rights activists around the world.