In all liberation struggles, human agency and strategic revolutionary movements are the driving force. Only with seemingly endless organizing, planning, mobilizing, resisting, disrupting, coalescing, connecting struggles, and always learning can the oppressed ultimately prevail despite the massive power imbalance.
When the BDS movement first called for a comprehensive military embargo on Israel, for instance, States were too terrified of US wrath to consider it. Now, the global majority at the UN General Assembly supports it. Multiple ports across continents have blocked Israel-bound military supplies, and more port workers are refusing to handle such illegal supplies. Major European and Latin American universities are cutting ties with complicit Israel universities, and thousands of writers and artists have joined those supporting the cultural boycott of apartheid Israel. Major funds have divested from Israel Bonds, and massive US tech and energy projects have been canceled in apartheid Israel. Israel, with once a thriving militaristic apartheid economy is turning into a #ShutDownNation.
The tide is turning. Israel is fast becoming an isolated, rogue state, and BDS is showing what our collective people power has done and can still do to help end state, corporate and institutional complicity as a key contribution to dismantling this genocidal regime of settler-colonial oppression and bringing about Palestinian liberation.
Still, like all streams, our stream of liberation is not straightforward, nor is its flow uniformly strong all the time. It ebbs and flows, twists around natural and artificial obstacles of all kinds, but it keeps going and growing no matter what. Only when a critical mass of people power converges and feeds into our liberation stream, can it sweep away those decades-old, seemingly immovable rocks of US-Israeli colonial violence and their “might makes right” depravity.
Let’s keep organizing, strategizing, peacefully disrupting, forming intersectional coalitions and fighting like never before. We can and shall prevail over oppression and injustice and live to see freedom, justice and equality realized.