Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


Palestinian & International Chefs Say: Don’t Cater to Israeli Apartheid, Withdraw From "Round Tables" Culinary Festival in Tel Aviv.

Open Letter

Chefs & Restaurateurs Say: Don’t Cater to Israeli Apartheid & Propaganda, Withdraw From "Round Tables" Culinary Festival in Tel Aviv.

BNC Statement

The recent, welcome cancellation of the Africa-Israel Summit slated to take place in Togo this month underscores the urgency of re-focusing on how our struggles are intertwined and strengthened by our mutual solidarity.

BNC Statement

Award-winning British filmmaker Ken Loach has donated all proceeds from screenings of his latest film in Israeli venues to the BDS movement as a gesture of support for the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality.


Dr. Ruchama Marton is a distinguished Jewish-Israeli civil society leader, a psychiatrist, feminist and the Founder and President of Physicians for Human Rights – Israel (PHRI). She has spoken out about why she is convinced that the BDS movement is critical to ending Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.

BNC Statement

As Right-Wing Governments Unite, We Must Unite to Build A World Without Walls