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In the News

"We reject this motion, which is based on the false allegation that BDS as such equals anti-Semitism. We call on the German government not to endorse this motion and to fight anti-Semitism, while respecting and protecting freedom of speech and of association, which are undeniably under attack."

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The European Federation of Public Services Unions, representing 8 million workers, passed a resolution calling for the suspension of the EU-Israel association agreement because of the repeated breach of its human rights provisions.

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Trade unions, movements, artisans, businesses and cultural, recreational and sports centers join campaign for Palestinian rights in what is also a clear stand against the mounting racism and nationalist closure that is fomenting hatred and intolerance across Europe and around the world.

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Twenty scientists, including the 2018 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry George P. Smith, wrote an open letter to the organizers of the next International Physics Olympiad to protest against holding the contest in Israel due to its denial of Palestinian human rights, including the right to education.

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The City Council's decision to no longer hold arms fairs, came after protests against the 2018 Glasgow arms fair, which included Israeli arms companies.

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Major international companies and consortia continue to withdraw from bidding to build Israel’s illegal settlement railway on stolen Palestinian land, as pressure over complicity in Israel’s rights violations grows.