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In the News

Following an unexplained, abnormal delay in his visa application, which prevented him from travelling to the UK to speak at the Labour Party Conference fringe, BDS movement co-founder has had his visa granted by the British government.

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Several groups, including the Portland Democratic Socialists of America, protested the Blazers' relationship with the company, which supplies rifle scopes to the U.S. military and other armed forces.

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Many think it was done to drive a wedge between the West Bank and Gaza in order to thwart the aspirations to nationhood of the Palestinian people.


As the University of Cape Town weighs refraining from relations with Israeli Universities enabling the gross violation of Palestinian human rights, renowned South African international law scholar Prof. John Dugard finds that UCT "would be acting in accordance with South African law if it were to take a decision to uphold South Africa’s international obligations and the Bill of Rights in its relations with universities in a country that egregiously violates human rights."

September 24, 2019
In the News

More than 500 people march as “Queers For Palestine” bloc, reclaiming Berlin's the Radical Queer March as a space for radical queers committed to feminist anti-racist and anti-colonial politics.

September 24, 2019
In the News

At the UK Labour party's annual conference, the party voted overwhelmingly for refugees right to return, to stop “any arms trade with Israel that is used in violation of the human rights of Palestinians” and to apply international law to UK trade with Israel.