Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

Action Alert
Join Palestinian clubs, whose players have lost lives and limbs to Israeli soldiers and military assaults, in urging international football teams not to play matches in apartheid Israel.
BNC Statement

The Palestinian BDS National Committee honours the life of the tireless South African anti-apartheid and human rights campaigner, who passed away yesterday, July 17, 2022.

Action Alert

As the Palestinian anti-apartheid movement grows larger and more impactful, Freedom, Justice, and Equality, come nearer.


The Organizing Committee, which includes more than 20 of the most prominent Portuguese organizations working for queer and trans liberation, said it would be “hypocritical” to allow States practicing segregation, apartheid and colonization to join the march.


Together, we have caused PUMA to lose millions in important sports contracts, exposed PUMA’s lies and spread our call for justice with millions worldwide. We won’t stop until PUMA finally ends its complicity in Israeli apartheid.

Action Alert

There’s no doubt about it. The campaign to boycott PUMA over its support for Israeli apartheid is having an impact. We won’t stop until PUMA finally ends its complicity in Israel's oppression of Palestinians.


If implemented, Unilever’s decision would appease Israel, further implicating the company in Israel’s decades-old system of oppression against Palestinians.

June 30, 2022