Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

Action Alert

As groups around the world mobilize for the #BoycottPUMA Global Day of Action, join them online to tell PUMA that its greenwashing and pinkwashing can't hide its complicity in Israeli apartheid and to thank queer and trans artists for refusing work with PUMA in solidarity with Palestinians. 


The BDS National Committee (BNC), the broadest Palestinian civil society coalition that leads the global BDS movement for Palestinian rights, calls out the

Action Alert

Take action now by emailing UN officials and demanding that the UN investigates Israeli apartheid and imposes an immediate #MilitaryEmbargo.


PUMA is using its "Conference of the People" to promote itself as ethical and sustainable – while continuing its complicity in Israel's apartheid regime committing grave human rights violations against Palestinians.


The Rabinovich Foundation obligates filmmakers to deny apartheid Israel’s colonial violence