Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


If implemented, Unilever’s decision would appease Israel, further implicating the company in Israel’s decades-old system of oppression against Palestinians.

June 30, 2022


Goethe Institut conference disinvited Palestinian poet Mohammed El Kurd; is almost entirely cancelled after mass boycott


Endorsement of this project by any group affiliated with the BDS movement conflicts with this affiliation. Simultaneously, we reject and condemn the cynical use of this project as a pretext for repressive attacks on the Palestine solidarity movement by anti-Palestinian racists and apologists for Israeli apartheid.


Outside of the CAF’s General Assembly meeting on the 11th of June 2022, dozens of protesters reminded the Basque trainmaker of is obligation to respect human rights and terminate its business with Israel’s violent occupation of Jerusalem and apartheid regime. 

By Richard Weyndling and Santiago González Vallejo from the “CAF: Get off the Apartheid Train” campaign.

BNC Statement

Ahead of its 2022 annual congress, the Polish political party Razem recognises that Israel is an apartheid state and endorses the nonviolent, Pale


Indigenous Palestinians call on documentary filmmakers to show meaningful solidarity with our struggle


The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), with more than 800 research centers in 55 countries, endorses the Palestinian call to boycott Israeli institutions complicit in Israel’s regime of military occupation, settler-colonialism, and apartheid.