Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

BNC Statement

Booking.com attaches a legal warning to rentals inside apartheid Israel’s illegal settlements built on stolen Palestinian land.


Festivalgoers will dance on the ruins of an ethnically cleansed Palestinian village

BNC Statement

On this day we mark 40 years since thousands of mainly Palestinian refugees and Lebanese civilians were butchered in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon.


The governing bodies of tennis sanctioned Russia just days after its invasion of Ukraine. It is time for ATP to end its hypocrisy and apply the same principles to apartheid Israel by relocating the ATP 250 tournament.


States that respect human rights should not welcome apartheid envoys. We call on Chile to support #UNinvestigateApartheid.

PACBI Statement

While a welcome – if belated – recognition of the necessity of cultural boycotts to help end Israeli apartheid, its narrow focus risks missing the forest for the trees 


Across the globe, the world of sports stood with the more than 200 Palestinian teams calling to boycott PUMA and thousands of leaflets were distributed at PUMA shops and vendors.