Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


Palestinians urge conscientious Arab and international authors to withdraw from UAE dictatorship-sponsored Emirates Lit Fest. The festival is a clear attempt to whitewash the UAE's human rights atrocities while normalizing its alliance with apartheid Israel.

BNC Statement

The Palestinian BDS National Committee, (BNC), the broadest Palestinian civil society coalition stands firmly with the Salahiya family and all Palestinians facing forced displacement in Sheikh Jarrah, Ramadin and beyond. Forced displacement is a fundamental feature of apartheid.

Action Alert

Join groups around the world for the Global Day of Action on February 12 and regular rolling protests as we step up pressure on PUMA to ends its partnership with Israeli apartheid.

PACBI Statement

L'attaque colonialiste de Jack Lang contre les intellectuels arabes pour dissimuler la complicité avec le colonialisme et l'apartheid israéliens



As Israel’s apartheid regime escalated its violent oppression of Palestinians, scholars, academic departments, artists, cultural institutions, star athletes, sports teams, unions, queer filmmakers, LGBTQIA+ collectives, students and other grassroots groups responded with unprecedented solidarity.

BNC Statement

Years of grassroots campaigning against Elbit, including direct action, lobbying and grassroots education, in Oldham and elsewhere in the UK, have exposed the company’s direct complicity in Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated against Palestinians, particularly in the besieged Gaza Strip.  

BNC Statement


After 900 days of arbitrary detention, we are pleased to see our colleague Ramy Shaath free!