
Durante años, académicos israelíes han servido en el ejército de ocupación, participando o al menos siendo testigo de los cotidianos crímenes cometidos sobre la población civil palestina. Apenas han denunciado públicamente la ocupación de Israel, ni su sistema de discriminación contra sus propios ciudadanos palestinos, ni su imperturbable rechazo al derecho internacionalmente reconocido de los palestinos para volver a sus hogares y propiedades. Todo esto constituye un hecho de complicidad.

Boycotting Israeli institutions due to their complicity in Israel’s racist and colonial policies against the Palestinians remains formidably on the agenda. We may not get tangible results this year, but the prospects for success next year or the following one are much greater now. Many more years separated the ANC’s call for boycott of apartheid -- issued in 1956 -- and the actual implementation of meaningful sanctions. What matters most is that the taboo has indeed been shattered.

PACBI has called for a comprehensive boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions due to their complicity in Israel’s racist and colonial policies. The Association of University Teachers (AUT) in Britain heeded that call in its Council meeting on 22 April 2005, when it voted to boycott Bar-Ilan and Haifa Universities as well as to consider boycotting the Hebrew University. In October 2004, a similar call for comprehensive boycott of Israel was endorsed by major South African

Durante años, académicos israelíes han servido en el ejército de ocupación, participando o al menos siendo testigo de los cotidianos crímenes cometidos sobre la población civil palestina. Apenas han denunciado públicamente la ocupación de Israel, ni su sistema de discriminación contra sus propios ciudadanos palestinos, ni su imperturbable rechazo al derecho internacionalmente reconocido de los palestinos para volver a sus hogares y propiedades. Todo esto constituye un hecho de complicidad.

Such projects, largely conceived and funded by international and/or Israeli institutions, include ventures involving Israeli institutions such as the Peres Peace Center and Galilee College with the cooperation or active involvement of Palestinian health professionals, whether such involvement is in the area of training, referral to Israeli health services, capacity building, or other joint ventures; initiatives aiming at ‘promoting dialogue and collaboration between Palestinian and Israeli health professionals, NGOs and health institutions’; projects that entail joint scientific/research co

The Association of University Teachers (AUT) in the UK voted in its Council meeting today to boycott Haifa and Bar-Ilan Universities and to disseminate to all its chapters our Call for Boycott of Israeli academic institutions. This historic decision, which sets a landmark precedent, stands as a major achievement in the struggle to attain a just peace in our region. Finally, boycotting Israeli institutions, as a morally and politically sound response to Israel’s crimes, is on the mainstream agenda in the west; and no one can ignore it now.

Mr Koïchiro Matsuura,Director-General of UNESCOUNESCO7, Place de Fontenoy75352 PARIS 07 SP, France 2 March 2005 Dear Mr. Matsuura, On behalf of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), we are writing to express our deep concern about UNESCO‘s recent support for establishing a joint Palestinian-Israeli scientific organization, which in our view marks a serious setback to the cause of just peace in Palestine.

We also call upon world governments to impose sanctions against Israel to pressure it to comply with international law and the pertinent UN Security Council resolutions. It is no coincidence that a similar advisory opinion by the ICJ, which in 1971 denounced South Africa’s occupation of Namibia, triggered what became the world’s largest and most concerted campaign of sanctions directed against the apartheid regime. Today’s ICJ ruling should equally inspire a comparable reaction.

Whereas Israel's colonial oppression of the Palestinian people, which is based on Zionist ideology, comprises the following: