Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


The Brit and Grammy award winning artist is scheduled to perform at the Summer in the City Festival in apartheid Tel Aviv on May 31. Palestinians are calling on them to withdraw.


Solidarity with Palestinians living under Israel’s apartheid regime is urgently needed.


As the 2023 edition of Israel Apartheid Week (IAW 2023) enters its last days, the International Coordination Committee of IAW 2023 sends its warmest wishes of a blessed Rama


Nobel laureate says majority of participants “would not want to cross lines of peaceful protestors or signal tacit support to the actions of the Netanyahu government”


1,300 Israeli artists and academics hypocritically call for the same, having fought BDS for years


As Palestinians face Israel’s most racist, fundamentalist government to date, which is escalating the violent oppression that has dominated our lives for decades, we call on recipients to reject recognition from institutions so deeply complicit in the silencing and erasure of an entire population.