Derrota histórica para Israel: La CIJ dictamina que es plausible que Israel esté cometiendo genocidio

El pueblo palestino pide que se ejerza la máxima presión para detener el genocidio y desmantelar el apartheid.

Results for: Trade Union Solidarity

en las noticias

In a statement, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions, known as Congress, joins with trade unions and other civil society organisations in strongly condemning the Israeli government’s outrageous decision to criminalise six Palestinian human rights and civil society groups by designating them as ‘terrorists’.

en las noticias

Seattle educator and union member Emma Klein says, "Educators and institutions from around the world have come forward, as part of a vibrant and growing international movement in opposition to Israeli colonization and apartheid. We call on others to join us."

en las noticias

The CUNY staff congress that represents 30,000 members across the university system passed a resolution calling out Israel as a settler-colonial and apartheid state, and committing to lead chapter discussions of BDS in Fall 2021.

en las noticias

The UK’s Trades Union Congress, representing 48 unions and six million people, voted for ending arms trade with Israel that violates Palestinian rights, and to pressure corporations to end complicity in violations of Palestinian rights

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Public servide trade unions from across Europe voted for a resolution calling on European governments to suspend arms trade with Israel.

en las noticias

34 European trade union organisations representing millions of workers across Europe have written the European Commission and European governments demanding a ban on trade with illegal Israeli settlements.

en las noticias

The European Federation of Public Services Unions, representing 8 million workers, passed a resolution calling for the suspension of the EU-Israel association agreement because of the repeated breach of its human rights provisions.