Derrota histórica para Israel: La CIJ dictamina que es plausible que Israel esté cometiendo genocidio

El pueblo palestino pide que se ejerza la máxima presión para detener el genocidio y desmantelar el apartheid.

Results for: Boycott

en las noticias

Sharon Roffe-Ofir [YNet] 30 March 2009 - Traditional marches, rallies mark 33rd Land Day as Union of Arab Community-Based Associations, World Social Forum call on all affiliates to usher mass ostracism against Jewish state.

March 31, 2009

Naomi Klein and Rabbi Arthur Waskow debate whether divestment will bring peace to the Middle East.
By Joel Bleifuss - In These Times

At the height of the war in Gaza, author Naomi Klein endorsed the
campaign known as Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). A coalition
of Palestinian groups founded the BDS movement on July 9, 2005, as a
way for the international community to put pressure on Israel to reach
a negotiated settlement with the Palestinians.

March 31, 2009
en las noticias

BDS activities for March 30 are already planned in over a dozen countries around the globe.

Join in these activities or organize your own.
Please promote this day of action on your websites and to your mailing lists. For more information, see:

All social movements, organizations, networks and political parties around the globe are invited to join us by endorsing the Palestinian civil society Call for BDS.

March 28, 2009
Declaración BNC

The BDS Global Day of Action is part of the Global Week of Action against Capitalism and War from March 28 to April 4, 2009, that was launched by the Social Movements Assembly at the WSF in Belem* ---
Today, the Palestinian people scattered across the globe mark Land Day, commemorating the events of 33 years ago....



March 27, 2009
en las noticias

26 March 2009 - Responding to the Call of Palestinian civil society to join the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, we are an Australian campaign focused specifically on a boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions, as delineated by the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel:

March 27, 2009
en las noticias

The people in Palestine are mobilizing for the 32nd annual commemoration of Land Day, happening March 30. Land Day marks the date of the Palestinian demonstration that occurred in the Galilee against a wide-scale land confiscation, when Israeli forces killed 6 Palestinians, injured 96 and arrested 300.

March 27, 2009
en las noticias

Join the newly formed group New York Campaign for the Boycott of Israel (NYCBI) as we launch our city-wide boycott of Motorola!
Monday, March 30
7:45-9:30 am
Motorola's NYC Headquarters
335 Adams St., Brooklyn

(A,C,F to Jay St./Borough Hall, 2,3,4,5 to Borough Hall, M,R to Court St./Borough Hall or to Lawrence St./Metro Tech)




March 26, 2009

By Eileen Fleming [] 24 March, 2009 - The Global Week of Action; a call for BDS/Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions begins March 28th through April 4, 2009. March 30, 2009 will commemorate the 33rd annual Land Day nonviolent solidarity demonstrations and actions in Palestine and the diaspora.

March 25, 2009

Tony Karon [The National] 22 March 2009 - In one of her last acts as US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice had
Nelson Mandela’s name removed from America’s terrorist watch list. Many
Americans were shocked to learn that their favourite former political
prisoner had ever been deemed a terrorist.


March 24, 2009

Who said nearly 50 years ago that Israel was an Apartheid State?
by Ronnie Kasrils
"...a colonial racist mentality which rationalised the genocide of the indigenous peoples of the Americas and Australasia, in Africa from Namibia to the Congo and elsewhere, most clearly has its parallels in Palestine."

March 20, 2009