Results for: Siemens

BNC Statement

The Palestinian BDS National Committee, the broadest Palestinian civil society coalition leading the BDS movement, is calling on all Arab and progressive civil society and grassroots groups worldwide to put meaningful pressure on the UAE’s despotic rulers hosting the COP28 from November 30th to December 12th, including through a boycott of the conference.

BNC Statement

Palestina ocupada, 06/10/2022 - El Comité Nacional Palestino de BDS (BNC, por sus siglas en inglés), la mayor coalición palestina que lidera el movimiento mundial de Boicot, Desinversión y Sancione

BNC Statement

The BDS movement calls on supporters of Palestinian rights worldwide to join climate justice movements in holding Chevron and Siemens accountable for helping to fuel environmental destruction and Israeli apartheid. 

Open Letter

Palestinian Human Rights Organizations Council Open Letter calling on Siemens to respect international humanitarian law and human rights regarding the companies involvement in the EuroAsia Interconnector.

In the News

Europe’s five largest pension funds have €7.5 billion invested in companies with business activities in and around illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. This is at odds with United Nations guidelines, clear warnings from 18 European countries, and undermines the two-state solution, experts warn.