Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

PACBI Statement

-- A new racist Israeli chant [1] mocking the more than four hundred Palestinian children murdered by Israel during its current massacre in Gaza [2]

“Tomorrow there’s no school in Gaza, they don’t have any children left.”


August 6, 2014
Open Letter

The war Israel is currently waging against the Palestinian civilians in Gaza is a continuation of its occupation and blockade of Gaza over many years; its violation of international laws; its apartheid policies and day-to-day violence against people in Gaza. It has become a truism that Gaza has for long been “an open air prison” for its men, women and children, making it impossible for them to live normal lives, leave alone move forward on the road to self determination.

Open Letter

The following letter calling on scholars and librarians within Middle East studies to boycott Israeli academic institutions was submitted in the name of the below signatories to Jadaliyya on 6 August 2014.

August 6, 2014
Open Letter

More than 1,000 professionals have signed a manifesto, released by the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) academic campaign for Palestine, demanding to end all institutional relations with the Israeli academic world, until it stops supporting occupation and apartheid in Palestine.

Open Letter

As Palestinian, indigenous, women of color, anti-racist, and Jewish feminists involved in a range of social justice struggles, we strongly condemn the current massacre of the Palestinians of Gaza and affirm our support for and commitment to the growing international movement for a free Palestine and for racial justice, equality, and freedom for all.

August 5, 2014
Open Letter

As we write this statement, 25 days after the brutal incursion on Gaza, over a thousand and four hundred of innocent civilian women, men and children have been butchered by Israel’s war machine and much more are threatened to be killed. The call for raping Palestinian women by the so-called “Bar-Illan University Arabic Literature Professor” teaches us, once again, that Israeli “scholars” and “academic institutions” are an organic and integral part of the Zionist colonial project

PACBI Statement

Israeli universities that have for decades played a key role in planning, implementing, justifying and whitewashing racist and colonial policies of the Israeli regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid, are once again exposing their complicity

August 3, 2014