Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

BNC Statement

Palestinians demand an end to the killings and militarization of the impoverished and racialized communities and call for an immediate military embargo on Israel to stop Israel’s weapons from killing also in Brazil

BNC Statement

The Disciples of Christ Church, with over 350,000 members in North America, has passed a resolution naming Israeli apartheid.


The US group’s August 29 Tel Aviv concert will help Israel’s far-right government artwash apartheid


Xtina’s scheduled August 10 concert will artwash apartheid and grave human rights violations 


A few days ago, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal accurately described Israel as a “racist state,” and the lobby impulsively pushed Congress to pass an unusual statement, with the usual automatic majority, saying Israel “is not a racist or apartheid state.” 


Jane Campion, Estíbaliz Urresola Solaguren and other filmmakers asked for their films to be withdrawn from the festival, which is partnered with the Israeli ministry of culture

Action Alert

Take action from July 20 to August 20 to shine a light on Palestinian rights and true gender equity and to denounce FIFA and PUMA's complicity in Israeli apartheid oppressing all Palestinians, especially women.