Results for: Israel


At the height of its military - particularly nuclear - and economic power, Israel is feeling uncharacteristically vulnerable; but this time the threat is ironically coming from a nonviolent movement anchored in international law and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

December 23, 2013
BNC Statement

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition of Palestinian civil society, applauds Vitens, the largest supplier of drinking water in the Netherlands, for the decision to end its cooperation agreement with Israel’s national water company Mekorot because of Vitens’ commitment to international law.[1]

The BNC also commends the Dutch foreign ministry, who had advised Vitens about the cooperation and in general discourages financial transactions with illegal Israeli settlements.

In the News

Most everybody knows that Ben & Jerry’s makes premium ice cream and champions “Peace” and “Love.” What they don’t know is that this socially responsible business and strong supporter of Occupy Wall Street is making ice cream in Israel and selling it in illegal settlements in Occupied Palestine.

Progressive Except for Palestine

Ben & Jerry’s business practices are tethered to a vibrant Social Mission that commits it to human needs and eliminate injustices in our local, national and international communities by integrating these concerns into out day-to-da

March 26, 2013
In the News

A group of Nobel peace prize-winners, prominent artists and activists have issued a call for an international military boycott of Israel following its assault on the Gaza Strip this month.

The letter also denounces the US, EU and several developing countries for what it describes as their "complicity" through weapons sales and other military support in the attack that killed 160 Palestinians, many of them ci

BNC Statement

Occupied Palestine - On the eve of the International Day of Solidarity with the People of Palestine, 52 international notables issued a statement calling for “urgent … international action towards a mandatory, comprehensive military embargo against Israel.” Though directly motivated by Israel’s latest war of aggression against the 1.6 million Palestinians in the occupied and besieged Gaza Strip, the statement is also a reaction to Israel’s decades-old military occupation and persistent denial of the UN-sanctioned rights of the Palestinian people.

November 28, 2012

New Al Haq report says governments within their rights to sanction Israel over settlement enterprise

Well-respected Palestinian rights organization Al Haq has published a report about the responsibility of states in relation to Israel’s" target="_

September 28, 2012
In the News

(Brussels, 27 July 2012) This week the EU announced it would strengthen its bilateral relations with Israel by endorsing a package of 60 new areas of cooperation. Amnesty International regrets that this decision has been taken without giving due consideration to the need to seriously address ongoing violations of international human rights and humanitarian law in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories.

July 30, 2012
In the News
January 8, 2011

In an article today for the LA Times, Palestinian author and activist Ali Abunimah argues that the BDS movement is pressuring Israel to Palestinian rights:

Absent any real action by the United States or other governments to hold Israel accountable, it is up to civil society to step in.

December 21, 2010