Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

BNC Statement

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition of Palestinian civil society, applauds Vitens, the largest supplier of drinking water in the Netherlands, for the decision to end its cooperation agreement with Israel’s national water company Mekorot because of Vitens’ commitment to international law.[1]

The BNC also commends the Dutch foreign ministry, who had advised Vitens about the cooperation and in general discourages financial transactions with illegal Israeli settlements.

BNC Statement

According to Israeli and U.S. press reports, the NBC-owned cable and satellite TV network USA is cooperating with Israeli authorities, film makers and the Keshet Media Group to produce an action series entitled DIG mainly in occupied East Jerusalem, near the Old City.

BNC Statement

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The Palestinian BDS National Committee mourns the passing of Nelson Mandela, one of the most inspiring figures of our age 

"We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians" --Nelson Mandela

We mourn the passing of Nelson Mandela.

PACBI Statement

December 6, 2013
PACBI Statement

December 6, 2013
PACBI Statement

Note: In light of the recent withdrawal of the two international keynote speakers, as noted below, the text of the original letter/boycott call of 8/12/2013 has been revised and re- formatted. The signatures are current. 

December 5, 2013
BNC Statement

- Dutch government must consistently exclude all Israeli and other companies involved in Israel’s settlements from Israel-Netherlands business forum
- Governments across the world should take steps to end corporate complicity with Israeli violations of international law

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition of Palestinian civil society unions, parties and organisations, calls on the Dutch government to be consistent with its stated position opposing the Israeli occupation and illegal sett