Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

BNC Statement


The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), a Palestinian civil society coalition leading a global boycott Israel campaign, has urged Irish fresh produce company Total Produce not to purchase ailing Israeli exporter Agrexco.

In a letter to Total Produce published today, the coalition details “Agrexco’s complicity with Israeli war crimes and illegal activities in the colonial settlements built on occupied Palestinian land”.

Partly-owned by the Israeli government, Agrexco is responsible for the export of 60-70% of the agricultural produce grown in Israel

August 1, 2011
BNC Statement

Occupied Palestine- Wikimania's decision to hold its annual conference this August in Israel despite its ongoing occupation, colonialism and apartheid can only be seen by Palestinians and international supporters of a just peace as feeding Israel's impunity and helping it to cover up its grave violations of international law and Palestinian rights.

BNC Statement


25 July 2011

Facing a bankruptcy hearing in a Tel Aviv court Tuesday, Israeli export company Agrexco has been beset by bad headlines in recent months. Now its problems look set to worsen, after Palestinian solidarity groups from across Europe joined forces to escalate a boycott campaign.

A new coalition on Thursday promised to “put an end to Agrexco’s presence in Europe”.

BNC Statement


The Israeli parliament (Knesset) last night passed a new law  criminalizing support for the Palestinian civil society campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel, penalizing Israeli persons and organizations active in the campaign, or indeed in any other partial boycott of Israel or any of its institutions.