Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

PACBI Statement

The Palestinian Call for Academic Boycott Revised: Adjusting the Parameters of the Debate

January 28, 2006
PACBI Statement

Europeaid Office de Cooopération A
Rue de la Loi, 200
B-1049 Bruxelles


Dear Ms.

December 25, 2005
PACBI Statement
  1. The Palestinian medical and health service providers who signed the Open Letter did not call for an outright ban on Palestinian-sraeli cooperation in the health sector, but rather deplored the fact that some international donors have increasingly made Palestinian-Israeli cooperation projects a condition for the provision of support to the Palestinian health sector.
  2.  As outlined in our Open Letter, we have always welcomed and continue to welcome the support of Israelis who openly oppose occupation and work with Palestinians based on a platform of justice and
July 11, 2005
PACBI Statement

Palestinian Civil Society Calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights

July 11, 2005
PACBI Statement


July 10, 2005
Open Letter

Palestinian Civil Society Calls for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel Until it Complies with International Law and Universal Principles of Human Rights - 9 July 2005

July 9, 2005
PACBI Statement

Un an après que l'avis consultatif historique de la Cour Internationale de Justice (CIJ) qui a jugé illégal le mur qu'Israel construit sur le territoire palestinien occupé, Israel continue sa construction du mur colonial au mépris total de la décision de la Cour.

July 9, 2005