Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

PACBI Statement

The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), the University Teachers’ Association and the Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees (PFUUPE) view with grave concern the University Catolica de Murica intention to honor Benjamin Netanyahu with an Honorary Doctorate.

August 23, 2013
PACBI Statement

We at the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) call on our sisters and brothers in the United Arab Emirates to cancel Alicia Keys’ scheduled concert in Dubai on November 15 due to her support for apartheid Israel [1].

August 2, 2013
BNC Statement

EU acknowledges obligation to not recognize Israeli colonisation and annexation of occupied Palestinian territory

European Investment Bank to stop loans to ‘virtually all’ major Israeli businesses and public bodies

BNC Statement

“Prawer Plan” to uproot and dispossess indigenous Bedouin-Palestinian Communities in the Naqab (Negev) is latest definitive evidence of the colonial nature of Zionism

PACBI Statement

On 8 June 2013 the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) organized its fourth National BDS Conference at Bethlehem University under the title: “Boycotting Israel and opposing normalization contribute to Liberation, Return of Refugees, and Self-Determination.” The conference was attended by more than 700 participants, mostly representatives of the national committee member entities -- including political parties, trade unions, women’s organizations, professional syndicates, youth and student groups -- as well as members of the P

July 4, 2013
PACBI Statement

On 8 June 2013 the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) organized its fourth National BDS Conference at Bethlehem University under the title: “Boycotting Israel and opposing normalization contribute to Liberation, Return of Refugees, and Self-Determination.” The conference was attended by more than 700 participants, mostly representatives of the national committee member entities -- including political parties, trade unions, women’s organizations, professional syndicates, youth and student groups -- as well as members of the P

July 4, 2013
BNC Statement

June 26 2013 - The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), the broadest Palestinian civil society coalition that is leading the global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement again affirms its solidarity with French campaigners against Israeli occupation, colonialism and apartheid as they face state repression and criminal charges.

Three Palestine solidarity activists were on trial last week and a further seven will be in court starting June 27 to face charges of “discrimination”  brought against them because of their participation in protests calling