Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

BNC Statement


March 12, 2014, Occupied Palestine - The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), the largest coalition of Palestinian civil society unions, political parties and organisations, calls on people of conscience around the world to take concrete measures to boycott and/or work toward

PACBI Statement

The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), a member of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement in Palestine, has learned that you reportedly plan to perform in Israel on 10 June 2014 [1].  We are writing to urge you to refrain from playing in apartheid Israel and not to condone Israel’s violations of international law and human rights against the Palestinian people.  We wrote you previously, in 2007 [2], after hearing of similar plans, and back then you did not play in Israel.  We ho

March 2, 2014
PACBI Statement

February 23, 2014
PACBI Statement

An outcome document of the conference “Law and Politics: Options and Strategies in International Law for the Palestinian People”, Birzeit University Institute of Law, 8 -9 May 2013: http://lawcenter.birzeit.edu/userfiles/Public_Report_BZU_Confere

February 9, 2014
PACBI Statement

As a result of the discriminatory system of ethnic privilege that Israel has instituted in the territories that it controls between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea, Palestinians living in different areas face different Israeli-imposed obstacles to exercising their rights to education and academic freedom.

February 9, 2014
PACBI Statement

The month of January has seen a burst of energy on the academic and cultural front of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement with worldwide and mainstream media attention.  BDS news has been covered in the Washington Post, Financial Times, Bloomberg, New York Times, CNN, and other media where BDS advocates have previously been ignored or censored.  The world is beginning to understand that Israel cannot be treated with exception while it continues to violate international law, and that criticism and resistance against Israel&rsquo

February 6, 2014
PACBI Statement

The month of January has seen a burst of energy on the academic and cultural front of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement with worldwide and mainstream media attention.  BDS news has been covered in the Washington Post, Financial Times, Bloomberg, New York Times, CNN, and other media where BDS advocates have previously been ignored or censored.  The world is beginning to understand that Israel cannot be treated with exception while it continues to violate international law, and that criticism and resistance against Israel&rsquo

February 6, 2014