Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

BNC Statement

We, Palestinian organisations and unions representing farmers struggling for their right to their land and to food sovereignty, urge international civil society organisations to build effective campaigns and work towards ending agricultural trade with Israel that finances and rewards the destruction of Palestinian farming.

For Palestinians, farming is tied to Palestinian identity, history and resistance to Israel’s illegal occupation. Palestinian farmers face the brunt of Israel’s land confiscations, demolitions and theft of water.

PACBI Statement
February 8, 2013
PACBI Statement

The Israeli academic and cultural establishment has always been keen on securing a place for Israel in the global academic and cultural arena as part of its untiring efforts to make Israel appear as a normal state and society.  The Israeli establishment has developed a “tradition” of honoring international academics and cultural figures through prizes, such as the Wolf Prize, the Dan David Prize, and the Jerusalem Prize, which are awarded every year.  In such events, the Israeli branding machine goes into full gear, bestowing international scholars, artists and writers

February 3, 2013
PACBI Statement

The Israeli academic and cultural establishment has always been keen on securing a place for Israel in the global academic and cultural arena as part of its untiring efforts to make Israel appear as a normal state and society.  The Israeli establishment has developed a “tradition” of honoring international academics and cultural figures through prizes, such as the Wolf Prize, the Dan David Prize, and the Jerusalem Prize, which are awarded every year.  In such events, the Israeli branding machine goes into full gear, bestowing international scholars, artists and writers

February 3, 2013
PACBI Statement
January 27, 2013
PACBI Statement

 The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) is extremely disappointed by the news that you intend to accept the Israeli Wolf Prize in May, at a time when the international movement to boycott Israel is gaining ground in response to Israel’s flagrant violations of international law and the human rights of Palestinians.  We appeal to you to reject this prize, and to reflect upon the implications

January 25, 2013
PACBI Statement
We at the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) are deeply troubled to learn that you are scheduled to perform in Tel Aviv on February 20, 2013.
January 22, 2013