Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

PACBI Statement
margin-left:0cm">For several years now, universities in Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere have been establishing academic programs and centers, faculty chairs, fellowships and scholarships, study abroad programs, journals, and other activities and schemes in Israel Studies.
November 1, 2012
PACBI Statement
margin-left:0cm">For several years now, universities in Europe, the United States, Canada, Australia, and elsewhere have been establishing academic programs and centers, faculty chairs, fellowships and scholarships, study abroad programs, journals, and other activities and schemes in Israel Studies.
November 1, 2012
PACBI Statement
Dear Maryam Abdulhadi al-Khawaja,
We, at the Palestinian C
October 23, 2012
PACBI Statement
It is with great disappointment that the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) has learned of your scheduled performance in Israel set for October 16, 2012 [i]. Given that Israel is involved in grave violations of international law and human rights we urge you to cancel this gig until the time comes when Israel is in compliance with its obligations under international law and fully respects Pales
October 19, 2012
PACBI Statement
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) urges organisations and individuals to boycott the Urban Party Jerusalem and the rest of the Open House Jerusalem (Houses from Within) series of events taking place between October 25-27th 2012 in Jerusalem.
October 19, 2012
BNC Statement

Occupied Palestine, 18 October 2012 – The Palestinian Trade Union Coalition for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (PTUC-BDS), the largest coalition of Palestinian trade unions and professional syndicates, stands in solidarity with working families across the UK marching on October 20 against cuts and austerity and for “A Future that Works”.

BNC Statement

Mahmoud Sarsak is a Palestinian footballer who has played for the Palestinian national team. He was released from prison by Israel in July after three years of detention and 92 days of hunger strike that was supported by people of conscience all over the world, including prominent football figures.

October 17, 2012