Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

BNC Statement

This #PalestinianPrisonersDay stand with Palestinian prisoners facing barbaric treatment.

Action Alert

AXA is holding its General Assembly on the 27th of April, in Paris. For the occasion, the “Stop AXA Assistance for Israeli Apartheid” coalition and its allies will call out AXA regarding its complicity in enabling Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise, a war crime, and the reputational and legal risks that AXA faces as a result.

BNC Statement

In recent years, spyware—technology secretly installed on digital devices which covertly collects confidential information


FIFA’s decision to remove Indonesia as host of the upcoming FIFA Under-20 Men’s World Cup is an act of jaw-dropping hypocrisy. We salute the people of Indonesia who have stood for Palestinian rights and stand with them in rage against FIFA’s colonial arrogance.


Infamous Israeli war criminal Moshe Dayan once said, “Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.” Drunk with impunity and unparalleled influence in Washington a


"Israel Calling" participants will literally cover up the ethnic cleansing of Indigenous Palestinians