Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

PACBI Statement
September 2, 2011
BNC Statement

Occupied Palestine - The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), the broadest Palestinian civil society coalition and the Palestinian leadership of the global boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, commends human rights and Palestine solidarity organizations across Australia who signed a unity statement reiterating their support for BDS as the most effective and non-violent campaign to end Israel’s systematic oppression of the Palestinian people [1].  We stand with Australian activists in the face of the organized repression and smear campaign they ha

BNC Statement

- Previous Irish bidder Total Produce no longer looking to buy Agrexco
- Clear pattern of boycotted companies entering financial crisis
- Boycott campaign increases international pressure on Israel


It emerged Thursday that Irish company Total Produce was no longer in the running to buy troubled Israeli exporter Agrexco.

BNC Statement


  • French multinational Veolia to cut back global operations after €67.2 million losses
  • BDS campaign has cost Veolia large contracts across Europe over its illegal Israel project
  • Losses comes on heals of Agrexco’s financial woes, another main BDS target

Only days after losing out on another lucrative contract in London, French waste and water company Veolia on Thursday announced it would scale back its operations in several countries after http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903454504

BNC Statement

In the midst of the debate on Palestinian diplomatic initiatives aimed at securing membership of "Palestine" in the United Nations, many legitimate questions on strategies and tactics have arisen among people of conscience around the world who support freedom, justice and equality for the Palestinian people.

BNC Statement

In the midst of the debate on Palestinian diplomatic initiatives aimed at securing membership of "Palestine" in the United Nations, many legitimate questions on strategies and tactics have arisen among people of conscience around the world who support freedom, justice and equality for the Palestinian people.

BNC Statement

Carl McCann
Chairman, Total Produce
Charles McCann Building
Rampart Road

29 July 2011

Dear Carl McCann,

We, the undersigned Palestinian civil society representatives, including farmers unions, agricultural organizations and popular committees, wish to express our deep concern at reports that Total Produce is considering purchasing Agrexco, an Israeli company complicit in Israel’s regime of occupation, colonization and apartheid.