Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

PACBI Statement
We at the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) are deeply troubled to learn that you are scheduled to perform in Tel Aviv on February 20, 2013.
January 22, 2013
PACBI Statement
2012 has been an exciting year for the growth of the cultural and academic boycott of Israel, a pillar of the global BDS movement.  In what follows we would like to offer the main highlights of the year.  This is far from an exhaustive list, though, so we hope that we shall be forgiven by each and every activist who contributed to a victory that space did not allow mentioning here.  We call on our partners and activists around the world to continue in this spirit in 2013 and to especially work
January 5, 2013
PACBI Statement
2012 has been an exciting year for the growth of the cultural and academic boycott of Israel, a pillar of the global BDS movement.  In what follows we would like to offer the main highlights of the year.  This is far from an exhaustive list, though, so we hope that we shall be forgiven by each and every activist who contributed to a victory that space did not allow mentioning here.  We call on our partners and activists around the world to continue in this spirit in 2013 and to especially work
January 5, 2013
BNC Statement

Palestinian agricultural organisations and the Palestinian BDS National Committee call for the launching of worldwide campaigns on February 9 against Israeli agricultural export corporations in light of their deep complicity in Israel’s ongoing violations of international law and Palestinian human rights.

BNC Statement

A call from Palestine to the European Union four years after Israel's
2008 war on Gaza

Click HERE to take an action

BNC Statement

The global, Palestinian-led BDS movement has achieved inspiring and spectacular success, causing economic damage to companies that support Israel’s crimes, persuading artists not to perform in Israel, winning support from major churches, trade unions and social movemen

December 20, 2012