Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)

PACBI Statement

This piece was published as the PACBI Column in the August 2010 issue of the BRICUP Newsletter.

August 9, 2010
PACBI Statement

This piece was published as the PACBI Column in the August 2010 issue of the BRICUP Newsletter.

August 9, 2010
BNC Statement

Occupied Palestine, 26 July 2010 – Palestinian farmers unions, agricultural organizations and popular committees struggling against Israel’s colonial Wall and settlements warmly salute the historic decision taken on July 15th [1] by the Olympia Food Co-op to remove all Israeli products from its shelves. The Olympia Food Co-op has set a historic precedent by becoming the first US grocery store to publicly join the global grassroots campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it ends its human rights violations and oppression of the Palestinian people.

July 26, 2010
BNC Statement

Palestinian civil society salutes Olympia Food Co-op’s decision to boycott Israeli goods!

Occupied Palestine, 25 July 2010 – Palestinian farmers unions, agricultural organizations and popular committees struggling against Israel’s colonial wall and settlements warmly salute the historic decision taken on July 15th [1] by the Olympia Food Co-op to remove all Israeli products from its shelves.

July 26, 2010