Updates from the palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)


States and corporations that arm and otherwise enable Israel’s genocide are complicit and must one day be held accountable.


Performing in apartheid Israel – while it burns Palestinian refugees alive a short drive away in Gaza – is profoundly immoral and covers up genocide 


Palestinians call to boycott the “5th Symposium on Management of Future Motorway and Urban Traffic Systems,” organized by Israel’s Technion, which is deeply complicit in Israel’s gross violations of Palestinian human rights and international law, including Israel’s ongoing Gaza genocide. 


Global campus mobilizations for Palestinian rights have compelled dozens of universities across the world to commit to steps toward divestment from complicit companies and/or cutting ties with complicit Israeli academic institutions.

PACBI Statement

Strategic radicalism calls on the movement to employ multiple tactics that take local contexts into account to mutually build on and amplify each other. A strategic and incremental win for one campus is a win for all.


Thousands of international artists, hundreds of LGBTQIA+ organisations and artists, dozens of Eurovision screening parties and European politicians call for apartheid Israel’s exclusion


Groundbreaking decision of the Conference of University Rectors in Spain to hold Israel and its complicit institutions accountable for Israel's genocide in Gaza and its underlying regime of settler-colonial apartheid