BNC Statement

Illegal Israeli settlements should not be promoted as a form of sustainable architecture.

The BNC sent the letter below to Beatriz Corredor Sierra (Minister of Housing, Government of Spain) and Javier UcedaAntolín (Rector, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)



September 14, 2009
BNC Statement

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) has released a report entitled 'Democratic South Africa’s complicity in Israel’s occupation, colonialism and apartheid', based on research from the Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign.


June 11, 2009
BNC Statement

BNC - This year the Latin America Aero & Defense trade show will be held in Rio de Janeiro from April 14 - 17. The show will host and promote the world's most renowned merchants and producers of war, repression, torture and mass murder. Israeli war criminals feature prominently among them. Nearly every major state and private Israeli military firm will be represented, in addition to the Israeli Ministry of Defense.

March 31, 2009
BNC Statement

The BDS Global Day of Action is part of the Global Week of Action against Capitalism and War from March 28 to April 4, 2009, that was launched by the Social Movements Assembly at the WSF in Belem* ---
Today, the Palestinian people scattered across the globe mark Land Day, commemorating the events of 33 years ago....



March 27, 2009
BNC Statement

“United Against Apartheid, Colonialism and Occupation - Dignity & Justice for the Palestinian People”
Israel Review Conference
Geneva, 18-19 April 2009

Click here to register online

[German below]


March 17, 2009