BNC Statement

Israel’s far-right government, the most racist, fundamentalist and fanatic ever, has been ruthlessly escalating its ethnic cleansing, siege, killings, incarceration, and daily humiliation of millions of Indigenous Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

BNC Statement

The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) stands with the majority of the fraternal people of Saudi Arabia in its overwhelming condemnation of the

BNC Statement

Commemorating 41 years since thousands of mainly Palestinian refugees and Lebanese civilians were butchered in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon.

BNC Statement

At times of disaster, our collective pain reaffirms our unbreakable unity.

BNC Statement

Palestinians demand an end to the killings and militarization of the impoverished and racialized communities and call for an immediate military embargo on Israel to stop Israel’s weapons from killing also in Brazil

BNC Statement

The Disciples of Christ Church, with over 350,000 members in North America, has passed a resolution naming Israeli apartheid.