BNC Statement

The BDS National Committee (BNC) supports calls for an independent, international investigation and is calling for effective accountability measures against Israel, particularly a two-way military embargo.

BNC Statement

Palestinians denounce the assassination of Rio de Janeiro’s councillor and human rights activist Marielle Franco and extend solidarity to Brazilians: "Together we commit to continue striving for the world Marielle dreamed about, a world of freedom, justice and equality for all".

BNC Statement

The Palestinian BDS National Committee celebrates International Women's Day, says "Justice is always a feminist issue. And in turn, justice in Palestine is a feminist issue, and the rights of women are fundamental to our movement’s pursuit of a safe, just and dignified world for all."

BNC Statement

Palestinian BDS leadership welcomes Colombian movements joining BDS and calls for deepening solidarity between the two peoples and redoubling our efforts to enact a military embargo on Israel now.

BNC Statement

Today marks the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, a document which from the perspective of its Palestinian victims, constituted a declaration of war against the Palestinian people. Together we can end its brutal legacy and create a brighter future with justice, peace and a dignified life for all.

BNC Statement

The recent, welcome cancellation of the Africa-Israel Summit slated to take place in Togo this month underscores the urgency of re-focusing on how our struggles are intertwined and strengthened by our mutual solidarity.

BNC Statement

Award-winning British filmmaker Ken Loach has donated all proceeds from screenings of his latest film in Israeli venues to the BDS movement as a gesture of support for the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice and equality.