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Anthropologists in Latin American Stand With Palestinians, Recognize BDS as Counter-Hegemonic Tool Against Apartheid

Scholars gathered at the XIV Mercosur Anthropology Conference in Rio de Janeiro pass motion recognizing BDS as a counter-hegemonic tool "against regimes based on colonialism and apartheid state practices."

The following motion was passed at the XIV Mercosur Anthropology Conference in Rio de Janeiro

Motion in solidarity with the Palestinian people, in the face of contemporary forms of racism and colonialism

In August 2023 in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the XIV Mercosur Anthropology Conference (RAM) brought together anthropologists from countries in the Global South. Aware of the crimes against the Indigenous population of Palestine during the Nakba (1948 - the catastrophe), we affirm our commitment to recall the damage caused by the militaristic practices of ethnic cleansing in the 20th century, and we declare our solidarity with the Palestinian people.

This is a public and academic commitment to the fight against racism.

Building walls, checkpoints and everyday modes of occupation and subjugation of native populations configures a perverse renewal of the heinous practices of apartheid in the 21st century.

There are countless scientific societies that have joined the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement started in 2005. The BDS call is broad and constitutes an important step towards a public debate aimed at challenging hegemonic discourses worldwide in different areas of economic and social life. Boycotts are counter-hegemonic instruments against regimes based on colonialism and apartheid state practices.

The anthropologists gathered at RAM join a qualified debate on decolonization in favor of societies afflicted by permanent war, affected by dehumanization and the constant threat to their dignity and their lives.

Peace and justice for Palestine.


  • Denise F. Jardim - Center for Anthropology and Citizenship (NACI) - Universidad Federal de Río Grande del Sur - Brazil
  • Eduardo Álvares Pedrosian - Universidad de la República - Uruguay
  • Francirosy Campos Barbosa - University of São Paulo - Group of Anthropology in Islamic and Arab Contexts - Brazil
  • Gisele Fonseca Chagas - Universidade Federal Fluminense - Center for Middle East Studies (NEOM) - Brazil
  • Paulo Gabriel Hilu da Rocha Pinto - Universidade Federal Fluminense - Center for Middle East Studies (NEOM) - Brazil
  • Pilar Uriarte - Universidad de la República - Uruguay
  • Silvia Montenegro - University of Rosário - researcher at CONICET - Argentina
  • Sonia Hamid - Federal Institute of Brasilia - Brazil


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