PACBI Statement
In response to the recent decision by the Israeli government to upgrade the status of the so-called Ariel University Center of Samaria (AUCS) to a full university, the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) reiterates its call for a boycott of AUCS and all other Israeli academic institutions due to their complicity in maintaining Israel‘s occupation, colonization and apartheid against the Palestinian people.
February 10, 2010
In the News

Gary Robbins [College Life] 8 February 2010 - Twelve people were arrested this evening during a raucous lecture at UC Irvine where Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren came to talk about U.S.-Israel relations.


February 9, 2010
In the News

The British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP) has condemned an environmental exhibition and lecture series being hosted by the Zionist Federation on Tuesday 9th February, An evening event for the general public, "Israel Blue White and Green", features a special guest appearance from botanist David Bellamy.

February 8, 2010
In the News

BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights has released new working paper under the title: “Principles and Mechanisms to Hold Business Accountable for Human Rights Abuses: Potential Avenues to Challenge Corporate Involvement in Israel’s Oppression of the Palestinian People.”


The paper is authored by U.S. attorney Yasmine Gado.


February 8, 2010
In the News

The British Committee for the Universities of Palestine (BRICUP) has condemned an environmental exhibition and lecture series being hosted by the Zionist Federation on Tuesday 9th February, An evening event for the general public, "Israel Blue White and Green", features a special guest appearance from botanist David Bellamy.

February 8, 2010
In the News

Eyewitnesses told Stop the Wall that yesterday night at 1 am some 10 military jeeps, hummers and an armoured bus belonging to the Israeli military and their intelligence services invaded Ramallah and came to the Stop the Wall offices.

They raided the offices and searched them for three hours. They confiscated computer hard disks, laptops, video cameras and paper documentation, CDs, video cassettes.

February 8, 2010
In the News
We will be protesting the Israel Ballet‘s performance in Brooklyn
WHEN: February 21st, 2010
WHERE: Brooklyn College‘s Brooklyn Center for the Performing Arts. For more information:
February 6, 2010