PACBI Statement
September 6, 2012
PACBI Statement
August 31, 2012
PACBI Statement
August 31, 2012
PACBI Statement

Occupied Ramallah, 28 August 2012 -- Palestinian civil society stands united in its support for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel, including in the cultural field.

August 28, 2012
PACBI Statement

 “Where governments refuse to act people must, with whatever peaceful means are at their disposal. For me this means declaring an intention to stand in solidarity, not only with the people of Palestine but also with the many thousands of Israelis who disagree with their government‘s policies, by joining the campaign of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel.” – Roger Waters [1]

August 2, 2012
PACBI Statement

 “Where governments refuse to act people must, with whatever peaceful means are at their disposal. For me this means declaring an intention to stand in solidarity, not only with the people of Palestine but also with the many thousands of Israelis who disagree with their government‘s policies, by joining the campaign of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel.” – Roger Waters [1]

August 2, 2012