Updates from the palestinian BDS (United States)

In the News
University of Massachusetts Boston, MA, April 18th, 2012 - The UMass Boston Undergraduate Student Government unanimously passed a bill demanding that the UMass Foundation, the university’s investment fund, divest from Boeing and other companies profiting from war crimes and/or human rights violations.  This motion is a resounding victory for student activists nationwide and contributes to broader international solidarity movements, including the movement for Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions of Israel (BDS) as called for by Palestinian civil society in 2005.

In the News

In this week’s BDS roundup from the Electronic Intifada, LA activists demand the city “Dump Veolia”; an international campaign urges product designer Yves Béhar not to collaborate with Sodastream; university students in Pennsylvania protest the Jewish National Fund’s award gala; boycott activists tell the Red Hot Chili Peppers why they should cancel their upcoming Tel Aviv gig; and more.

Read the full roundup at: http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/nora/bds-roundup-

In the News

Latin@ Groups Across US Take Historic Stand at 19th Annual Conference; Decision Announced on National César Chávez Day

March 30, 2012 -- At the 19th annual national conference of M.E.Ch.A. (Movímíento Estudíantíl Chícan@ de Aztlán), the largest association of Latin@ youth in the US, chapter leaders voted by a landslide decision to endorse the global call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) on Israel, due to its military occupation and settlement of Palestine.

The announcement that M.E.Ch.A.

March 30, 2012
In the News

Justin Cohen| DP
College freshman Sahir Doshi, a member of PennBDS, participated in a protest against the Jewish National Fund last night.

Members of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement protested the Jewish National Fund’s award to Chairman of

In the News
On March 21st and 22nd, graduate students at Carleton University overwhelmingly voiced their support for the Palestinian people, by voting for the university’s pension fund to divest from four companies that are complicit in the occupation of Palestine.
March 21, 2012

Contrary to Finkelstein's claim that the BDS movement would lead to the 'destruction' of Israel, one can simply look to Ireland as an example of a lasting two-state solution [GALLO/GETTY]

Chicago, IL - In a recent and highly controversial interview, Norman Finkelstein, long a scourge of Israel, turned his guns on Palestinians

February 28, 2012
In the News

In a major setback for Israeli efforts to suppress the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement in the United States, a judge in Olympia, Washington today dismissed a lawsuit designed to force the Olympia Food Co-op to rescind its boycott of Israeli goods.

The judge ruled that the lawsuit, brought by opponents of the boycott, violated a Washington State law designed to