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Results for: impact

nas noticias

A German court confirms that advocating for BDS and Palestinian rights constitutes freedom of expression and assembly, rights that are protected by the German constitution and are essential for democracy. The court ruled that the German city of Oldenburg unlawfully violated these fundamental rights when it revoked a permit for an event space, forcing a Palestinian solidarity group to cancel its public lecture on Palestinian rights. The court's ruling is "an important step toward a more informed and democratic public discussion in Germany when Israel and the Palestinian people are concerned."


Here are 18 highlights of direct and indirect BDS impact from 2018. We celebrate the extraordinary strides that the BDS movement for Palestinian rights has made with your support.


A continuación se presentan 18 hitos del impacto directo e indirecto del BDS en 2018.


The National Congress of Chile overwhelmingly voted to ban products from illegal Israeli settlements built on stolen Palestinian land.


La Cámara de Diputados de Chile votó abrumadoramente a favor de prohibir los productos de las colonias ilegales israelíes construidas en tierras palestinas robadas


Faculty at Pitzer College in California have overwhelmingly voted to pass two motions that support the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights. As Israel’s attacks on Palestinian education escalate, professors and students are standing up for Palestinian rights.

Declaração BNC

Airbnb’s decision to end its business in Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory is an important first step. It unfortunately fails to cover settlements in East Jerusalem, which is also occupied according to international law. All Israeli settlements in occupied territory constitute war crimes. East Jerusalem is no exception.

nas noticias

Near-unanimous membership vote establishes a non-cooperation policy with Israeli academic institutions in the occupied Palestinian territory and expresses solidarity with Palestinian academics bearing the brunt of Israel's discriminatory policies.

Declaração PACBI

Round Tables is part of the Israeli government’s “gastro-diplomacy” efforts, aimed at distracting attention from Israel’s theft of Palestinian land and food resources.


A Nobel Prize has been awarded to George P. Smith, a renowned scientist and longtime advocate for Palestinian rights who supports the BDS movement and has called for an end to US military aid to Israel. The BDS movement congratulates Professor Smith.