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Swedish Trade Union Confederation Boycott goods from occupied areas

The Swedish Trade Union Confederation supports the Palestinian trade union movement’s calls to boycott Israeli goods from occupied territories. However, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation does not at present advocate a general boycott of Israeli goods.

The Swedish Trade Union Confederation supports the Palestinian trade union movement’s calls to boycott Israeli goods from occupied territories. However, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation does not at present advocate a general boycott of Israeli goods. The Swedish Trade Union Confederation shall also work to ensure that capital over which it has control is not invested in Israeli securities.

This was what the Swedish Trade Union Confederation Congress resolved today when it discussed Palestine.

The Swedish Trade Union Confederation Congress stated in its resolution that the occupation, the wall and the settlements are the crucial obstacles to establishing an independent, democratic and free Palestine. The Swedish Trade Union Confederation supports the Swedish Social Democratic Party’s call to the Swedish Government to pursue a policy to grant Palestine membership of the UN. Congress also supported the call to lift the blockade against Gaza. Furthermore, the Swedish Trade Union Confederation shall work to ensure that employers cease doing business with companies that earn money from the illegal settlements.

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