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Mekorot Israel National Water Co intern text

Mekorot is Israel’s state-owned water company responsible for implementing 'water apartheid' on Palestinians, including the international crime of pillage of natural resources in occupied territory, discrimination against the Palestinian people as an ethnic group and vital support for the illegal settlement enterprise.

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Whether one is for or against Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) as a means to change the current situation in Palestine-Israel, it is important to recognize that boycotts are internationally affirmed and constitutionally protected forms of political expression. As non-violent instruments to effect political change, boycotts cannot be outlawed without trampling on a constitutionally protected right to political speech.

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Activists from Boston Jewish Voice for Peace protest outside a Harvard Kennedy School lecture by Veolia chief executive Mark Joseph on 14 No
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Agricultural organizations in the Gaza Strip are working with academic and other civil society groups to prepare for Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW).

Local events, as part of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement, will run from Sunday, 9 March through Thursday, 13 March in

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Luxembourg’s state pension fund FDC has excluded nine major Israeli banks and firms and one US company because of their involvement in Israeli settlements and human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The move follows similar steps taken by other major financial institutions including the Dutch pensions giant PGGM and Norway’s state pension fund.


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Advocating for Palestinian Rights in conformity with International Law: Guidelines
An outcome document of the conference “Law and Politics: Options and Strategies in International Law for the Palestinian People”, Birzeit University Institute of Law, 8 -9 May 2013: 

Published by the Civic Coali

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The student union at the University of Kent in the southeast of England is to terminate its contract with G4S following an “outcry” over its role in human rights abuses in Palestine, South Africa, the UK and other countries.

G4S provides security and incarceration “servi

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The deterioration of Israel’s international standing has been evident this week as at least two leading international companies bidding to build private seaports here dropped out of the government’s tender due to concerns over the political repercussions.

Royal Boskalis Westminster, a Dutch operator of ports that had submitted a proposal under the name Holland Terminal in the prequalification stage last December, dropped out shortly thereafter.

February 18, 2014
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The following excerpts are from a press conference held on the morning of February 17 at Al Bireh Municipality Hall that was organised by the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC).

Omar Barghouti, a co-founder of the BDS movement and a representative of the Palestinian Campaign for Academic & Cultural Boycott of Israel the BDS National Committee (BNC), stated:

“In the last year or so, the global BDS movement, led by the BNC, reached a tipping point in its struggle for comprehen

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Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an international series of events that seeks to raise awareness about Israel’s apartheid policies towards the Palestinians and to build support for the growing Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign.

UK and US: February 24-March 2
Europe: March 1-8
Palestine: March 8 – 15
South Africa: March 10-16
Brazil: March 24-28
Arab world and Asia<

February 14, 2014