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At 1pm on 18 August, approximately 20 activists from London, Brighton, Reading and the nearby Climate Camp entered the Carmel Agrexco site in Hayes Middlesex where some activists have D-locked the gates shut. They are being entertained by Samba. Four police arrived on the scene almost immediately.
This afternoon a group of protesters from anarchist group State Of
Emergency have blockaded the main UK warehouse of Israeli company
Carmel Agrexco in Hayes, Middlesex.

November 2, 2007
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The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre in London published on its website a link to my article "Volvo: Symbol of safety or human rights abuses?," and asked the company to respond. The article highlights the use of Volvo construction machinery by the Israeli military as a tool in the occupation, which is the reason behind recent calls for economic pressure on Volvo. Mr. M. Wikforss, Vice President of Media Relations & Corporate News of Volvo Group wrote a letter in response, which is also published on the Resource Centre's website.

November 2, 2007
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Ten thousand people braved the rain on June 9th to march for Palestine in Cape Town under the banner 'Free Palestine! End Israeli Occupation!'
The crowd was addressed by long standing Palestine and former anti-apartheid activists as well as Ministers Pallo Jordan and Ronnie Kasrils of the ANC, Moulana Hendricks, President of the Muslim Judicial Council, Tony Ehrenreich of Cosatu, Jeremy Cronin of the SACP, Rev Oswald of the Anglican Church and Mercia Andrews of the New Women's Movement.

November 2, 2007
nas noticias

Ten thousand people braved the rain on June 9th to march for Palestine in Cape Town under the banner 'Free Palestine! End Israeli Occupation!'
The crowd was addressed by long standing Palestine and former anti-apartheid activists as well as Ministers Pallo Jordan and Ronnie Kasrils of the ANC, Moulana Hendricks, President of the Muslim Judicial Council, Tony Ehrenreich of Cosatu, Jeremy Cronin of the SACP, Rev Oswald of the Anglican Church and Mercia Andrews of the New Women's Movement.

November 2, 2007
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On March 12-14, an all-India conference gathered hundreds of activists and representatives in Delhi to discuss the situation and the struggle in the Arab world and to further Indian solidarity with Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon and other Middle Eastern countries under attack.

The conference, entitled "War, Imperialism and Resistance: West Asia" was the first major event of its kind in India, with speakers from the Arab world giving a first hand account of developments in the region.

November 2, 2007
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The Socialist Left Party, one of three parties in the Norwegian government, has renewed its support for boycotts, divestment and sanctions against Israel. The Party's Congress adopted a resolution unanimously on March 25th named "Sanctions against the Occupier - not the Occupied."
The new resolution contains amongst other things, the condemnation of the Occupation' policies, a focus on the arms trade, a consumer boycott and a demand that new regulations must be made so that the State Pension Fund will divest from Israeli companies.
Stop the Wall

November 2, 2007
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The UK House of Commons International Development Select Committee called on the Labour government to press for sanctions against Israel over its treatment of the Palestinian people.
The cross-party committee that the UK should now urge its fellow members in the EU to consider suspending the EU-Israel association agreement as first step in putting pressure on the Israeli government to end this oppression. To see the Select Committee Report, click here.

November 2, 2007
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On October 18th, One Million Voices, an organization led by Israelis and international figures with the support of some Palestinians, is organizing a public event in Jericho and Tel Aviv, simultaneously. As stated on the organization's English webpage, the objective of the event is to “mark the first time that massive numbers of Israelis and Palestinians gather simultaneously to unite against violent extremism.”


November 2, 2007
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The publication of Towards a Global Movement: A framework for today’s anti-apartheid activism has provoked a storm of media attention. The full report is available on the BDSMovement website. A summary of the report, by Stop the Wall (The Palestinian Grassroots Anti Apartheid Wall Campaign)
was published in the UK by War on Want.

October 2, 2007
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The Right to Education (R2E) Student Committee in Birzeit University welcomes the motion passed by UNISON, the biggest trade union of public workers in the UK, and calls for student-wide mobilisation on boycotting Israel as a means to defend the right to education of Palestinians and end the occupation.

To read the full text and for links to relevant UNISON webpages, click here.

July 21, 2007