Results for: Israeli Apartheid


We need to be able to cope with millions of new requests each month and welcome tens of thousands of unique visitors every week.

BNC Statement

The BDS movement calls on supporters of Palestinian rights worldwide to join climate justice movements in holding Chevron and Siemens accountable for helping to fuel environmental destruction and Israeli apartheid. 

BNC Statement

Palestina ocupada, 06/10/2022 - El Comité Nacional Palestino de BDS (BNC, por sus siglas en inglés), la mayor coalición palestina que lidera el movimiento mundial de Boicot, Desinversión y Sancione

In the News

As part of Israeli Apartheid Week 2022, Sapienza University of Rome's Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy was set to host an event to present Amnesty International's report on Israeli apartheid. Hours before the event, authorisation for the event space was withdrawn.

BNC Statement

"Following you, Arch, we shall never accept “more comfortable” chains. We shall always insist on breaking them altogether so we can live in freedom and dignity".


French multinational insurance company called out on day of action over complicity in Israel’s illegal occupation and settlement enterprise.

BNC Statement

We call on solidarity groups worldwide to intensify pressure on Israel’s apartheid regime to immediately and unconditionally release him. 


Last October, campaigners launched a call to boycott AXA. Now 12,000 individuals and 500+ organizations pledged to boycott AXA, and many people have cancelled their AXA insurance policies.


Join the discussion with students and academics organizing against Israeli apartheid as well as against privatization, climate catastrophe, racism, sexism and militarization of campuses.

Action Alert

Join organizations across the world asking the UN to include HPE in the UN database of businesses complicit in Israel’s illegal settlement enterprise