Atue agora contra essas empresas que lucram com o genocídio do povo palestino!

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Results for: Analysis


As is well-known by now, the unilateral decision of New York governor Andrew Cuomo to create a blacklist of businesses and organizations abiding by divestment and boycott campaigns related to Israeli human rights abuses has drawn widespread criticism for both its high-handedness and for its violation of constitutionally guaranteed freedoms. As might be expected, the response from civil liberties groups and groups advocating for Palestinian rights was swift and pointed.

July 15, 2016

As European leaders are gathered in Brussels to discuss the future of the EU, they would be well advised to put into effect values of accountability, justice and solidarity - and halt funding for Israel's repressive apparatus against Palestinians.

The EU has funnelled hundreds of millions of euros to sustain Israel’s regime of occupation and apartheid through its research and development funding schemes.

Protests are currently growing against "Lawtrain", a five million euro project funded by the EU that brings t

July 3, 2016

Jana Tamimi, a 10-year-old journalist-in-the-making from the village of Nabi Saleh in the occupied Palestinian territory, asked me during the latest conference of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights held in Ramallah last April: “Given the terrible Israeli threats stacked against BDS lately, how can we keep the hope that it gives us alive?” Jana was referring to thinly-veiled official Israeli threats against the movement.

Jana is the youngest of many generations of her family who for years have been peacefully protesting for

July 3, 2016

G overnors have significant authority in issuing executive orders, and in many situations, they do so to circumvent legislative roadblocks.

July 3, 2016

In 2009, I was living in Tel Aviv during Operation Cast Lead. During that offensive, Israel killed about 1,400 Palestinians in Gaza. When small numbers of us went out into the streets to protest the war, we were often pelted with eggs or attacked by passersby. When I dropped my children off at their preschool, parents chatted as if nothing unusual was going on. When they asked me what was wrong, I would tell them I was deeply upset about what was happening just 40 miles away.

July 3, 2016

The struggle against the movement to boycott Israel has sunk to a new low – criminalization. From now on it’s not just a propaganda campaign against BDS (which only made it stronger), not the usual victim-like behavior, not the colonialist fibs about the boycott’s harming Palestinian laborers. It’s not even the demonization, which includes accusing anyone who dares support the boycott of anti-Semitism, the mother of all accusations.
No, from now on the boycott is a crime. It’s a crime to boycott the criminal. A crime to avoid buying goods produced on territories of crime.

June 19, 2016

Anti-apartheid veteran Ronnie Kasrils finds attempts to outlaw boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) activism against Israel “absolutely ludicrous” and activists should resist such efforts. Last month, I interviewed Kasrils about his views on BDS and apartheid on his visit to Amsterdam.

For decades, Kasrils fought against apartheid as member of the African National Congress (ANC) and the Communist Party. He participated in operations of the ANC’s military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe.

June 19, 2016

Several commentators and politicians have rushed to utilize the appointment of Professor Michael Karayanni to the deanship of Israel's Hebrew University’s Law School to bolster the “bridging the gaps” narrative. To them, this appointment is a refutation of the BDS movement. Opposition leader Isaac Herzog, for instance, tweeted that this is a “historic step that breaks another glass ceiling for Israel’s Arabs”.
Yet, Karayanni’s well-deserved appointment does not lend support to these arguments. In fact, it supports the opposite conclusions.

June 19, 2016

It was October 2012. Roei Elkabetz, a brigadier general for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), was explaining his country's border policing strategies. In his PowerPoint presentation, a photo of the enclosure wall that isolates the Gaza Strip from Israel clicked onscreen. "We have learned lots from Gaza," he told the audience. "It's a great laboratory."

Elkabetz was speaking at a border technology conference and fair surrounded by a dazzling display of technology—the components of his boundary-building lab.


This Sunday marked the 49th anniversary of the 1967 war, when the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem began. It was on this day, as the occupation entered its 50th year, that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo decided to cast his lot firmly in support of perpetual occupation.

He did so by issuing an executive order that will blacklist organizations for their political views—specifically, entities that advocate or practice boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against Israel because of its denial of fundamental Palestinian rights.

June 10, 2016