
Universities Are Ending Complicity in Israeli Apartheid and Its Gaza Genocide in Numbers Never Seen Before

Global campus mobilizations for Palestinian rights have compelled dozens of universities across the world to commit to steps toward divestment from complicit companies and/or cutting ties with complicit Israeli academic institutions.

The student-led and faculty-supported mobilizations to end Israel’s genocide against 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza and its underlying system of settler-colonial apartheid are making incredible strides that were unthinkable just a few months ago.

In response to the Palestinian call, reiterated most recently by 15 Palestinian universities, to end all complicity in Israel’s crimes and to urgently prevent Israel from continuing and escalating its Gaza genocide, campus mobilizations have compelled dozens of universities across the world to commit to steps toward divestment from complicit companies and/or cutting ties with complicit Israeli academic institutions.

In nearly 20 years of campaigning, never have we seen so many gains in such a short period of time. This is the result of the current wave of inspiring student encampments, building on years of mobilizing. The encampments shout to university administrators and governments that students and faculty members will not stand by as Israel commits its livestreamed genocide with impunity and with the support of their own institutions.

Universities have agreed to suspend or review ties with complicit Israeli academic institutions, including in Norway, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and South Africa. In the Spanish state, the Conference of University Rectors, comprising 76 universities, committed to suspending collaborations with Israeli universities that are not in “compliance with international humanitarian law.” This means all of them.

A number of universities in Europe and North America have agreed to divest, while still others have committed to taking steps toward divestment from complicit companies, including Israel’s arms industry.  

Faculty associations from Australia to North America have also voted to boycott complicit Israeli universities and/or to divest from complicit companies.

None of this would have been possible without the tireless work of conscientious students and faculty members, often in the face of shameful and violent repression.

Through it all, students and faculty have kept front and center the comprehensive rights of the Indigenous Palestinian people and ending complicity in Israel’s Gaza genocide and apartheid.

The mobilizations have given Palestinians hope, in very dark times, as can be seen from the messages from Gaza. They also set the stage for further measures to end complicity in apartheid Israel’s Gaza genocide.  

We trust in students and faculty members to continue to hold university administrations accountable, especially those who have committed to but not yet ended their institutions’ academic and financial complicity.

As many students have said, this is the beginning, not the end. We will not stop. We will not rest.

Below is a round up of divestment and academic boycott measures taken over just the past months. We will continue to update this page as news of additional incremental wins come in. Please send news to: pacbi@bdsmovement.net



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