Derrota histórica para Israel: La CIJ dictamina que es plausible que Israel esté cometiendo genocidio

El pueblo palestino pide que se ejerza la máxima presión para detener el genocidio y desmantelar el apartheid.

Results for: olympia

en las noticias

Five Olympia Food Co-op members who had sued to overturn the store’s boycott of Israeli goods must pay $160,000 in damages, the result of a judge’s prior ruling that the lawsuit was an illegal Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.

SLAPPs are defined as nuisance lawsuits designed to stifle free speech and create onerous legal costs for those who choose to exercise their free-speech rights.

en las noticias

In a major setback for Israeli efforts to suppress the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement in the United States, a judge in Olympia, Washington today dismissed a lawsuit designed to force the Olympia Food Co-op to rescind its boycott of Israeli goods.

The judge ruled that the lawsuit, brought by opponents of the boycott, violated a Washington State law designed to

en las noticias

A group of pro-Israel activists, backed by StandWithUs, a national US pro-Israel US organization, is planning to take legal action to force the Olympia Food Co-op to rescind its historic decision to boycott Israeli products.

The Electronic Intifada has obtained a copy of a 31 May 2011 letter sent to the Board of Directors of the O

Declaración BNC

Palestinian civil society salutes Olympia Food Co-op’s decision to boycott Israeli goods!

Occupied Palestine, 25 July 2010 – Palestinian farmers unions, agricultural organizations and popular committees struggling against Israel’s colonial wall and settlements warmly salute the historic decision taken on July 15th [1] by the Olympia Food Co-op to remove all Israeli products from its shelves.

July 26, 2010
Declaración BNC

Occupied Palestine, 26 July 2010 – Palestinian farmers unions, agricultural organizations and popular committees struggling against Israel’s colonial Wall and settlements warmly salute the historic decision taken on July 15th [1] by the Olympia Food Co-op to remove all Israeli products from its shelves. The Olympia Food Co-op has set a historic precedent by becoming the first US grocery store to publicly join the global grassroots campaign for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it ends its human rights violations and oppression of the Palestinian people.

July 26, 2010
en las noticias

Just last week the Board of Directors of the Olympia Food Co-op took thecourageous step of instituting a boycott of Israeli goods, the firstgrocery boycott of Israel in the US. Already, there is a movement afoot tocondemn the Co-op for taking this important stand. Board and staff arereceiving aggressive emails and phone calls, and we need to show them thatthere is local support for the boycott.

July 24, 2010