Atue agora contra essas empresas que lucram com o genocídio do povo palestino!

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Results for: Settlement Goods

Declaração BNC

The Belgian of Liège votes to end all ties with Israel citing its regime of “apartheid, colonization and  military occupation” against Palestinians

Declaração BNC

Norway's capital, Oslo, announced that it will not trade in goods and services produced in areas that are illegally occupied in violation of international law.


In a year marred by Israeli apartheid brutality and massacres, Palestinian hope and unity shine through.

nas noticias

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) congratulates the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) for resolving to campaign for Palestinian human rights and endorsing the use of sanctions and divestment against Israel.

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As a direct result of action taken by BDS Japan Bulletin (BJB), the group confirmed that Shimokitazawa, a branch of Ozeki, a famous supermarket chain in Tokyo, decided to stop selling wine manufact


By obliging the EU and member states to label products from Israel’s illegal settlements, the EU’s highest court has dealt a significant blow to apartheid Israel’s policy of population transfer.

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34 European trade union organisations representing millions of workers across Europe have written the European Commission and European governments demanding a ban on trade with illegal Israeli settlements.

nas noticias

Beigel and Beigel relocated its factory from the Barkan settlement to the Israeli city of Safed. Who Profits research team has visited the deserted factory and confirmed the withdrawal.