Atue agora contra essas empresas que lucram com o genocídio do povo palestino!

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Results for: consumer boycott

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Two South African human rights organizations, BDS South Africa and the Palestine Solidarity Alliance, have thrown their weight behind the consumer boycott of a South African company, Karsten Farms, which is complicit in the Israeli Occupation of Palestine.

July 23, 2012
nas noticias

(CHICAGO 07/17/2012) – The American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), a national grassroots organization, has called a press conference for Wednesday, July 18, at the office of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago to announce a nationwide boycott of dates grown in Israeli settlements.

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Abigail Disney, a principal investor of Shamrock Holdings Incorporated, the Roy E. Disney family fund, announced today that she is disclaiming her share of Shamrock's investment in Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories. Ahava, an Israeli cosmetics firm with its factory and visitors center in an illegal West Bank settlement, is a privately held corporation. Shamrock owns about 18.5% of the company.

July 16, 2012
Declaração BNC

Occupied Palestine, 9 July 2012 – Seven years after the Palestinian civil society call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel was launched, the global BDS campaign has become stronger, more widespread, more effective and certainly more diverse than ever—a true cause for celebration by all those groups and conscientious citizens of th

Declaração BNC

Palestinian civil society welcomes Arab boycott of Adidas and calls for a worldwide boycott due to company’s complicity in Israel’s occupation

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Norwegian retail chain VITA made public on Friday their decision to stop all sales of products originating from settlements in occupied Palestine. VITA will therefore stop selling products from the cosmetics brand Ahava. VITA has been the main retailer of Ahava products in Norway, and this decision will be a serious blow to the sales of Ahava products in Norway.

The principled decision by VITA not to buy products from Israeli settlements in the West Bank is based on a position of not wanting to contribute to violations of international law.

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In a major setback for Israeli efforts to suppress the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement in the United States, a judge in Olympia, Washington today dismissed a lawsuit designed to force the Olympia Food Co-op to rescind its boycott of Israeli goods.

The judge ruled that the lawsuit, brought by opponents of the boycott, violated a Washington State law designed to

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DaitoCrea, the general agent in Japan for Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories, announced on its website that they would no longer be distributing Ahava products manufactured in the Israeli illegal settlement of Mitzpe Shalem in the West Bank as of January 31, 2012,  Monday said a statement issued by the Palestine forum Japan.

Ahava is an Israeli cosmetics company with a manufacturing plant in an illegal West Bank settlement, which has been the subject of an international boycott campaign since 2009 because of its illegal practices.

Ahava’s plant, visitors center and research facility are in the West

February 27, 2012
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The Natural History Museum is today accused by a coalition of prominent academics and cultural figures of helping to break international law by leading a research project which involves an Israeli cosmetics company based in an “illegal” settlement in the occupied West Bank.

In a letter to The Independent, leading scientists and the film directors Mike Leigh and Ken Loach, condemn the London museum - which is the fourth most visited in Britain - for its research collaboration with Ahava -

January 17, 2012
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The Italian Stop Sodastream campaign exposes the Israeli company's deceptions

The Stop Sodastream campaign received a response from Sodastream Italy, via the public relations agency Edelman, to the letter signed by
January 9, 2012