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In the News


A group of pro-Palestinian activists briefly occupied the Portland, Oregon offices of global security company G4S on Thursday, to protest its affiliation with the Israeli prison system.

U.K.-based G4S, the world's largest security company in terms of revenue, has operations in some 125 countries, including 11 Arab states.

August 22, 2014
In the News
Screen Shot 2014-08-21 at 16.57.47Campaigners gather at the Oakland Port. (Charlotte Silver)

- Oakland activists prevent Israeli ship from docking for 4 days;
- Elbit arms factories in UK and Australia occupied by protesters
- EU to ban Israeli dairy and meat imports with any settlement connections
- European retailers

In the News

President Jacob Zuma met representatives of civil society, trade unions, and the ANC Youth League to discuss support for Palestine, lobby group Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) SA said on Thursday.

“The 90 minute meeting on Palestine was convened in response to growing protests by South African civil society across the country including a recent 9th August 150 000 person strong protest march in Cape Town,” BDS SA's Muhammed Desai said in a statement.

“In the meeting with the president we expressed what the hundreds of thousands of South Africans want our government to do in support o

August 20, 2014
In the News

Last Saturday between one and two thousand protesters marched on the Port of Oakland to blockade one of its busy marine terminals and prevent an Israeli ship from docking.

In the News

Major Israeli food exporters are facing an unprecedented wave of cancelations in orders from Europe as a result of Israel’s most recent massacre of Palestinians in Gaza.

SuperValu, the biggest food distributor in Ireland, told

In the News

San Francisco Bay Area activists have not allowed a vessel from Israel’s largest shipping company to unload in the Oakland Port for four consecutive mornings.

On Tuesday, 19 August, at 6:45am, activists declared yet another victory against the Zim Line, which has been trying to make its way into Oakland since Saturday, 16 August.

In the News

A group of high-profile political figures predominantly from Central America, South America and the Caribbean — including Bolivian President Evo Morales, US authorAlice Walker, deposed Honduran President Manue

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Israel’s regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid is once again committing heinous massacres on the Palestinian people in Gaza.

Israel enjoys criminal impunity because of the direct support from governments in the North America and Europe but also from corporations that are implicated in the Israeli occupation and egregious human rights violations.

There are dozens of companies that play an active and

In the News

Also read: British arms sales to Israel face high court challenge

Britain remains determined to keep on arming Israel, judging by a decision taken by one of the most senior figures in the UK government this week.

Vince Cable, the business secretary, has reviewed 130 licenses granted for exporting British weapons to Israel.

In the News

On Monday 11 August, the Israeli army used a militarized Caterpillar D9 bulldozer in an attempt to arrest 24-year-old Zakaria al-Aqra at his home in the village of Qabalan near Nablus in the occupiedWest Bank.

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